Decadent Dieter

177 lbs
(up from 173lbs because of new, more accurate scale)


If you have not done so already, please read my latest prelude letter to The Decadent Dieter readers on the main page, before you read about this week.  

Don't worry, it'll be here when you get back...

***OK, GO!***

DAY 56


Raw vegetables are tricky.  And so are Veggie Tales for that matter, but I digest.  I prepared a salad that was inedible - watercress, radish, parsley, green onion, beansprouts, and raw garlic.  The Bikini Fit diet recommends raw garlic as a blood cleanser, but combined with other very strong elements turned my mouth to fire in two bites.  The salad is now festering in the fridge where it will either mellow or burst into flames.  

The vegetables that I should be targeting are beansprouts, raw garlic, fennel, watercress, dandelion, and parsley.  However, combined these ingredients may spontaneously combust, like Combustible Huxtable. 

BRUNCH: sliced avocado, mushroom, and tomato
SNACK: fresh squeezed juice (carrot, apple)
DINNER: gazpacho (pureed tomato, garlic, and basil with chopped yellow pepper and avocado)

DAY 55


The concert was fun and Milwaukee is great.  Today I picked up a garlic press and truffle oil at the Public Market and we had lunch with one of my favorite (and funniest) friends, who shall remain nameless to protect the "innocent."  Tomorrow I get to eat raw vegetables.  Exciting times.  

SNACK: banana
LUNCH: fruit cup (melons, grapes, strawberries)
DINNER: fruit salad (pear, peach, strawberries)

DAY 54


Tonight, my husband and I are going to a concert out of town.  The diet may be difficult today and tomorrow, surrounded by great restaurants, but I will be bringing a lunchbox of fruit.  I should have packed my Mork & Mindy lunchbox, because then I'd mean serious business, but I think I'll be ok.  BTW, this month's schedule for the bikini fit diet is now in NUMBERS.  

BREAKFAST: sliced watermelon and pineapple
LUNCH: sliced avocado (yes, its a fruit)
SNACK: pear
DINNER: fruit cup (melons, grapes)

DAY 53

I like food.  And I like learning about food.

I think this diet will help me better appreciate and understand how to prepare fresh foods.  I've never been a brown rice kind of person, and I have no idea how to cook fish, but I'm looking forward to learning.  

There isn't an official Bikini Fit diet website, so I will be doing a lot of research on applicable recipes and processes.  Check out SYMBOLS for links.

I can do this.

BRUNCH: fresh squeezed juice (apple, carrot); watermelon slices
DINNER: fresh squeezed juice (mango, pineapple, blueberry); watermelon slices
DESSERT: cherries

DAY 52


Today's exercise was laundry, laundry, and laundry.  My warm ups and cool downs were folding laundry and watching Twilight, Twilight Bonus Features, and Twilight Special Features.  The new apartment does not yet have internet, but it does have the world's smallest washer-drier.  I'm not complaining; its actually in the apartment, so I don't care if an entire load is the size of all the orange and hot pink clothing I own.  

Tomorrow I start eating solid food again.  I feel so L.A. 1993.  
I'm sorry I can't embed this clip, but you must watch it:

L.A. 1993 was bat crazy.  

BREAKFAST: fresh squeezed juice (carrot, apple)
DINNER: fresh squeezed juice (blueberry, pineapple, squeeze of lemon)
DESSERT: fresh squeezed juice (grape)

DAY 51


OMG, juicing is one of the best things to come out of the 1980's.  Its in top notch company including, but not limited to (in no particular order): Peaches 'n Cream Barbie, my sister's Freddy Krueger hologram Swatch watch, The Cosby Show, pogo ball, elaborate phones, turquoise, etc.

BTW, I literally did get the Jack LaLanne juicer.  I always feared juicers would be the messiest appliance in any kitchen with liquid and food stuffs flying everywhere.  Didn't that happen once on "Perfect Strangers?"  Juicers are indeed messy, but instead of food flying everywhere outside of the machine, it flies everywhere inside of the machine.  5 pieces to clean after every glass, but its worth it.  So yummy!  I am just now standing tall on the wings of my dreams.  

LUNCH: fresh squeezed juice (peaches, apple, raspberries)
DINNER: fresh squeezed juice (pineapple, peach, mango, apple, raspberry, cherry)

DAY 50


Yes, I got tired of the Atkins dragon breath and its now time to start some new nonsense - the Bikini Fit diet!  Today I ate nothing.  Here's why:

The Bikini Fit Diet, detox plan:

Stage 1 - liquids only
Stage 2 - liquids with fruit only
Stage 3 - add raw vegetables
Stage 4 - add cooked vegetables and brown rice
Stage 5 - add beans, lentils, nuts and seeds
Stage 6 - add grains and live yogurt
Stage 7 - add fish

Each stage lasts for one day (or if a 2+ week program, each would last 2+ days).  I may try some of the stages for more than one day each.  I feel good about this new plan, because it seems more healthy and poo promising.  Plus, there are specific workouts listed in the book to get me moving more and tips for skin treatments.  I will detail these as I work it out (*ahem* and as I actually read the book past chapter one).

Note that my weight hiked up this week (from 173 to 177 lbs).  It's mainly due to getting a scale that actually works.  The new scale gave me back some pounds, but at least I now know what I'm really working with.  

Now, although I'm moving on to a new diet, I am proud of myself for keeping up any diet for 50 days!  In honor of this golden anniversary, the kids have prepared a little routine: 
Wish me luck!